But c'est ma vie, learning to adjsut as our life changes as it constantly does. We are heading back to France this year, same city we were last year, St Etienne. We don't know what house we will get or what area we will be in but he has a job and I am thankful for that!
This time of year always comes with different emotions, I can hardly explain it. It seems like everything about my life is bittersweet. I love being in California with my family and friends, I really do. I will miss everyone and the fact that it's all in English. Friends are so much easier to come by and Tae has quite a bit. But I adore France. I love the people and the culture and lifestyle. I just love it. As much as there is hard, there is great that makes it all worth it to me.
I am learning another language. I never thought I would be at the point to have a conversation with someone in their native tongue. How awesome is that!
I love being able to visit so many places that I otherwise would not be so fortunate to see. England, Switzerland, Italy, Paris, Bordeaux win country. And I can't wait to add to that list this year with Denmark, Sweeden, Nice, Cannes, and maybe Germany.
I love the slower lifestyle. I love that coffee and food is an art. I love that the smelliest cheeses are the best. I love walking Tae to school everyday and spending lunch together. I love basketball games and watching my husband do his thang.
I don't like not having my husband here. I don't like to struggle to find my words and think through everything I say. I don't like feeling intimidated to speak to someone as I am not yet entirely fluent in French. I miss having a church and other Christian moms to talk to about raising kids, marriage, and just life.
But, like I said, the good definitely outweighs the bad and I cannot wait to be back in France. It feels like home to me. I know it is going to be a sad day when Lavar stops playing. So I might as well live it up now!
So today I am thankful. Thankful that this crazy thing I call life is my life. I am thankful for the awesome opportunities that I have every year. I am thankful that the Lord has blessed my life in a way that fits for me and my family. I know living abroad might not work for everyone and that is understandable. But for us it's perfect.

I am envious in so many ways! I don't know if I'll ever get the opportunity to travel abroad. Maybe with girlfriends someday... I would love to see France, England, Germany, Italy...
But living there? That would be tough! I can understand how it's got major pros and cons. You will have so many wonderful memories to look back on, though! And think of all the wonderful experiences your children are gaining! You are blessed. :0)
you forgot to add norway to your list aghhh!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of pros and cons, I totally get you. But that's some life experience that not all can achieve.
Strong woman you are!
You have such a great attitude about it - able to see the advantages in both places. Enjoy your time with your family before you go back to France. I'm glad we have your blog to keep up with you.
I have always wanted to visit France..it just looks so beautiful. My former BFF and I even bought books to learn the language because we wanted to go visit together one day. It is such a privilege that you and your family are able to have such an experience. My friend was actually offered a position on the French BB team but his girlfriend didn't want him to go. Her father was a former San Antonio Spurs player and I guess she had some reservations about Adam going. Anyway, he's a teacher know and while that is still rewarding I wonder if he ever thinks about what could have been had he lived out HIS dream.
Oh well, hope you're doing well!!
It's almost a year now since I left for France, sigh....I will miss not going back this year!!!!
i love everything about this post, your heart, your soul, your love for your family - most of all, L.A. you and i know that no matter where life takes us, home is where the heart is! xx
I love that you are honest about the things that aren't easy (like being a single parent while your husband is away, etc), but also that you look at the positive sides of life as well (all the things you love about France). This post made me smile. Thanks for sharing.
seeing your photos make me want to go to europe even more!
take care...
It's ok to have 2 homes that you love!! You guys are young so I say keep it up!!
Is it OK that I am a tad jealous of your life? It think it'd be AMAZING to live abroad for a bit. Oh, and for your boys..it's great that they are exposed to so much culture at such a young age. Awesome.
I can't believe he's already gone back!
When do you go? You should go to Macey, France. That would be hilariously awesome for me. :)
Does your family ever come visit?
It's always good to have you back in Europe. It's a bit less lonely knowing that another Simi kid has come back to our expat ranks =)
Also, where are you going in Germany?
-Chris in Suisse
Living between two countries, and being apart from your significant other is super challenging. I can't imagine how much harder it must be with children! I see you are planning to hit up Scandinavia...do you have anywhere in particular in mind to visit when in Denmark?
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