I was in Las Vegas with my husband when I got the call from my mom. We were planning on going out for a nice dinner for my birthday. Obviously this puts a damper on things, and we decided to come home. I needed to see my babies.
Things like this put your life in perspective, don't they? What are you living for? Why are we here? What is important to me? I believe that God has a purpose for everything and although we might not fully understand why he chose to take Tyson from us last year or to allow this to happen to Timmy this year, we do know that He is in control. He did choose to let it happen. And all we can do at this point is pray that Timmy is okay. Pray that the Lord can open our eyes to His will and purpose. Pray for the doctors that they will have wisdom in his surgeries. And pray for the families.
I know that religion is a touchy subject to some people, and I understand that. I don't want to be a weird Christian person that pushes my religion on other people. I do, however, believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that he died for our sins so we can be with him in heaven. I don't feel like I should have to cover that up or hide it, because this is a part of who I am. And when something like this happens, I am thankful that I have that to lean on. I know that no matter what happens in this crazy thing called life, I am in His hands. I am taken care of. And he loves Timmy, Tyson, Lavar, my kids, more than I do, more than I can imagine. And boy does that make this a tad bit easier.
So if you pray, pray for my cousin. Pray for the doctors. Pray for the families, specially his wife and three kids who will be the most affected. And then for his parents who lost their other son just last year. Any support is so much appreciated, I can't even tell you how encouraged I am by your words. Thank you so much.
Have a blessed day

Natalia Im so very sorry for your 1st loss and now for this to happen in the same family. My prayers are with the family and I will be praying for Timmys strength and faith to be strong.
You definitely shouldnt have to cover up your beliefs in God or religion. I too believe things happen for a reason and God is in control. He gives us what he thinks we can handle, sometimes we think its too much but we make it through thanks to his grace.
Ive been so torn lately trying to keep up blogging and maintaining my family throughout the summer. I have taken some breaks and this story just is a testimony that life is short and we must enjoy our time here with our loved ones every minute that we can.
Blessing & prayers
Lucky 7 Design
I'm sad to hear this friend, but know I'm praying hard for you and your family. God makes everything work for our good.
I am so sorry. Praying for all involved. It's times like these that you really appreciate your faith, isn't it?
Prayers said for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your faith and your heart with us.
Dear Lord, I come to you today Father and bring Natalia and her family before you. I am begging for your comfort and peace that only you can bring them. I pray father you guide the hands of all those taking caring of Timmy. Lord I ask that you know the intimate detail of his health and father I ask that you heal him. Every part of him. I ask that you comfort His wife and children as their lives have been changed forever. Please father remind them that you are in control and that they can come to you, anger, hurt and upset. That no matter what they are feeling you will not leave them. Lord please be with his entire extended family as they too are suffering Lord. Please surround them with your love and mercy. In your Son's name we pray, Amen
Praying hard and storming heaven friend. Love you.
What a lovely prayer from Chrissy. I will pray for healing for your cousin and for strength and peace for your family.
Sending hugs your way...
My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family for the past two days. Hoping he'll be OK ♥
im thinking and praying for you and your family and cousin. this is so tragic and i know you will stay strong for your cousin. i hate hearing news like this and i really am bad with words when it comes to things like this...i just want you to know yall are on my mind and in my prayers
So sorry to hear this! I am praying for your entire family. I am sure this is an extremely difficult time. I have questioned things a lot in the last year. Mostly just saying to myself over and over "why did this happen"...faith is a good thing to lean on.
So sorry to hear this! Positive thought and prayers are going on your family's way :)
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Nat, you all are in my thoughts. I am so sorry for the loss earlier and I hope and pray that everything will turn out okay.
My condolences for your earlier loss and it is always shocking when things like this happens. I will keep you in my prayers, and hopefully everyone will get through this safely and quickly.
Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. ~Dan Rather
I'm so sorry, friend. :( Praying for you.
Natalie, I'll be praying for and praying on health and healing. I'm so sorry to hear that your family is hurting so desperately.
Thinking and praying for you and your fa ily. May you find the strength to get through this difficult time and those yet to come.
WOw, I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with your cousin and with your whole family.
This is a beautiful post and you have a very sweet way of sharing your faith. Prayers to your cousin! How are things looking for him?
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