My husband was laughing at us. He said "all you women are all the same! You all think the worst about yourself and sit and console the other while she is pouting." (not his words, I couldn't remember exactly what he said. This is the gist of it because I assure you, it would not have sounded the same! lol)
Then later that night he told me I should write about that. What do we think of ourselves as women? Why are we always so negative?? I saw this quote on twitter today:
"Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you..."
Why do we always compare?? Why can't we just be us and be okay with that? I don't know about you women, but sometimes I will get dressed feeling cute and good and then when I come across a girl I feel like looks better than me, I feel insecure. Like what I chose to put on wasn't good enough. Like somehow, I will never be as cute as the next girl. UGH!! SO pathetic!
I don't want to live that life. There has to be a healthy balance, right? A balance where you can feel like you look good and are proud of the way you put yourself together, without being over-confident and cocky. Without trying to make others feel not as good about themselves just so you can feel better. And don't lie, ladies, we've all done it!
So here is my challenge for you (and me) today: Be confident in yourself! Be sure about you! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing or wearing. Just be concerned about what works for you. DON'T COMPARE!!! It's unhealthy and can never end good.
What are some ways you feel confident about yourself? Do you have any ways that help you not compare yourself to other women or other situations? Let's share them! Encourage each other!! We all struggle with the same kinds of things in different forms. And if someone says they aren't insecure at all, they are the worst ones!
I hope you ladies have a lovely day! Rock whatever you're wearin'! Feel good about yourself!! It will shine through!

Aren't you glad the people that love us (especially our savior) Don't love us because of our clothes! Now that makes me feel super confident. :)Comparisons stink! They never edify. Really when I compare myself to others its like saying, "God, you just didn't get it right"
We can be some bold, self loving people. Thankfully He continually gives me grace. And reminders by way of posts like stop and be thankful. to work, study, pray and be diligent because we all need to improve.
i love this so much!!!! people often get themselves in a mess personally and with others just because they compare themselves to other people. it really hinders them from shining and being the person they truly are!
What a great quote! I love it.
Such a great post and something I needed to hear! I'm in a funk right now and have been doing some hefting comparison.....downing myself b/c I'm not happy with the way I am. But reading this really puts things in perspective :) I am me and that's something no one else can claim! Two things that make me super confident: My Hubby chose me! He picked me to spend the rest of his life with and constantly tells me I'm can I argue with that? And we have a sweet, 2 year old daughter that tells me countless times in a day how much she loves me and that I'm pretty and she really likes my haircut, ha! (Just chopped 8 inches off a week ago!) Thanks for this post! I never comment but I love stopping by to read :)
such a great post of encouragement! I think alot of times we women need to be affirmed. And that may be why we start to compare! All I know it that I feel better about myself when I fix my hair and makeup the way I like it and have been for years. My husband prefers all natural but that's not how I looked when we met! So even if I'm running a few errands or just going one and makeup it is!
Thanks for great words girl!
I really liked your post. I find myself comparing to other people all the time. I found that one thing that works is to tell the other person. If you see a woman in the mall and you love her outfit, just tell her. Chances are she'll love the compliment (don't we all?) and it'll make you feel like you're supporting other women instead of putting yourself down. So, today I'm going to vow to compliment another woman and I hope you'll do the same. :)
Thanks for taking the time to share and inspire!!!
Weight has always been my thing. Up a pound? I'm fat today. Down a pound? I look great today. I had to learn that the scale is just a number and it does not define me.
It also helps to be the best you can be at whatever weight you are. So, even if I'm up a few pounds, I put on my makeup, I fix my hair, I wear something I feel good in, and I get on with my day.
Love this post! I think in todays society all most woman do is compare themselves to others. Confidence is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy! Being yourself is sexy! Thank you for talking about such a good topic!
Totally my struggle this week. Thanks.
I really like that quote you included. I also like what DonnaQ said about complimenting others. My husband always does that when we're out shopping or eating somewhere. The person is always so surprised that he took the time to notice them. My Dad always told me that women dress to impress other WOMEN, not men. He said men aren't that into what we wear. It sounds like your husband is on the same page with my dad. I will have to say that as I've gotten older, I've gotten a bit better. But only a bit. Sometime I should do a post on how clothes/lack of clothes has impacted my life.
Rock it, girl! Well said!!
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