~ I was pleasantly surprised today to not have to pay for a shopping cart.
~ I forgot to bring shopping bags to the store, but then remembered THAT'S OKAY! They bag them for you here!
~ The police siren I heard earlier today honestly shocked me and it took a second to figure out what it was.
~ My son is still speaking French to me.
~ I am tired as all get out. Is that even a phrase? I am tired. 7:30 bedtime for me tonight. Boys, fend for yourselves.
~ Diet Coke. mmmmmmm. I forgot what it tasted like.
~ The Target near our house is entirely changed. I didn't think Target could get any better. It did.
~ People can now understand what my son is saying. Now I have to really deal with 'the funny things kids say about other people' thing. Like today 'Mom, look at that man (who was actually a woman) with all those holes in his pants!' While pointing. Nice.
~ People can understand me. I can't say things like 'are you kidding me? Typical French.'
~ The cheese doesn't smell. And I kinda miss it.
~ I am still translating sentences in my head.
~ I just got an Android phone and can't figure it out. I find myself pining for my French phone which could only make calls and text. Most of the time.
Hope yours day is going great! Over all, let me tell ya, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

I love this list. I am interested to see how different I feel when I am back in Canada after being in Denmark for awhile. How long are you in the US for?
Sounds like you are having fun! I moved away from home for a couple of years... and even though it was only to the nearest city (20 miles away) coming back home seems like a different world :)
Love, Vanilla
The list is awesome!
Made me laugh a lil. :)
Welcome home! I loved your list of differences, esp your son and the things he says. So typical of kids, isn't it?
i love it! how long are you back for?
i love this!!!!!
especially about target LOL! and diet coke! its so weird...i love diet coke in states, but hate it in europe. and i hate regular coke in US and love it overseas. darn corn syrup skewing my taste buds!
hope youre enjoying the day!
How funny!! It's the same with my daughter when we are in Germany and people can understand what she is saying about them!! haha
And you didn't get diet coke in France? Weird!
Have fun being at home!! xxx
And. Welcome home!!!!
Paying for shopping carts, no coke and Target. It sounds like the 3rd level of hell in Dante's inferno. :)
You have to pay to use a shopping cart? Ah, it's always good to home, right!?
Yes, yes, and yes! I love it :) So glad you are back in the USofA!!! Have a fabulous time catching up with all the American things at home!
Yeah, I'm glad you made it home safely.
This post killed me! The cart and the bags... so true! And you forgot about the carts with all 4 wheels swiveling so that you are totally out of control!
You also forgot to mention how awesome it is that a roll a toilet paper lasts longer than a day here :)
Welcome back!
I love this. My BFF said so many similar things when she came back to the States from Japan last year.
P.S. Got a giveaway going on today.
Oh I'm missing France so much at the moment. . . I want to go back (my partner is there studying and it feels like a second home to me).
Sarah @ Kiwi Gets Crafty
(new follower!)
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