Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday Blog Tips!

Good Morning everyone!  

I am going to start a new series.  Tuesday Blog Tips!  I know that it has been done before, and that you can probably Google a lot of it, but I thought I would put it all in one place for ya!  Granted, I am not a pro, but I enjoy doing it and thought I would share some things I have learned along the way!  Today I am going to touch on some overall, simple tips for making your blog more desirable to read.  Today is more about aesthetics of your blog than content, I will touch on that another time.  So here we go!

~ Big pictures!!  People want to get a good view of that awesome craft you just finished or that super yummy recipe.  If they overflow your blog content section, think about widening it.  If you don’t know how, Google it or ask a fellow blogger who looks like they have done it.  People like to see the pictures!

~ Good quality pictures!!  Guess what, you don’t need a Nikon or Canon to take beautiful pictures.  They most certainly help, but if you just can’t drop the dough for something like that, dust off that point and shoot and give it a whirl!  Try natural light and use a free editing software like Picnik.  With a click of a button people will never know you didn’t have Ree’s camera.

~ Post consistently.  This might be hard and depending on what type of goals you have for your blog, this could look different for many of us.  If you have sponsors, you might want to make a promise to them that you will never go longer than two days without a post.  This maintains good traffic for them.  If you can’t post everyday, not a prob!  Post 3 times a week or two times.  Choose what works for you and stick to it.  Consistency is the key, however that looks for you.

~ Make your blog pretty.  Like I mentioned, if you don’t know how to do it yourself, hire someone.  If you can’t afford it, there are plenty of bloggers out there with great information who would probably be totally willing to help.  And you can Google everything!!  It’s all out there somewhere, just gotta look it up!  Just remember, clean and simple is the most appealing.  You don't want your readers to get caught up in too many advertisements or colors that make it hard to read.  Think more about what is more appealing to a wider audience than just what you might think is pretty.  Easy on the eyes!

~ Keep posts easy to read.  Honestly, if a post is super, super long without pictures, I’m skipping it.  If you have a zillion and one pictures of your weekend, I don’t want to see every one.  I don’t know your friends and I don’t care about every.little.detail of what you did.  What I might care about is a funny story to go with the pictures.  Make it interesting for the readers, because let’s face it, we’re lazy.  Make it relate-able.  If you are writing about your kids, try to tie in a story that will help other moms, or a funny story other moms will crack up at because they have been there!  Think about your audience and what they can relate to.  If you are writing to your family, then a million pictures of your kids is a great thing!  If you have a bigger audience, you might want to consider less pictures and more relate-able stories.  Just a thought!

 Have any tips to add?  I would love to hear them, and I am sure others would do!  Write them in the comments!  Do you have a subject you would like covered?  I would love to hear it, either leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail.  Have a great day!!


TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

Great tips! Seems common sense, but a lot of people don't do all of these. Always good for a reminder :)

Unknown said...

Great tips! I especially agree with the one about not writing super long picture less posts, or posts with 20 irrelevant photos.

Bevin @ allisbright.com said...

These are really great tips. I completely agree with all of them, especially the picture quantity.

Rachel - Notes from my closet said...

These are such great tips :) I totally agree with the length of a post, I hate to say it but I am lazy and or don't have a lot of time to read a really long post :)

Love, Vanilla


Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

Great tips! If I were to add any, it would be to always return comments, to shut your CAPTCHA off for people that want to leave comments, and to not have music playing on your blog!

Macey said...

You are so right! Great tips. :)
I know of someone who blogs and has beautiful pictures but she makes the small and you can't enlarge them. I hate that!

Nicole said...

All great tips! I agree about long posts. I have a few I read but I can't get caught up in lengthy posts because my free time is so short. I totally agree with having bigger pictures. I really need to work on that.

Jennifer said...

I'm so excited for this! I need all the tips I can get!! Totally agree with all of today's!

Claire said...

I'm always looking for ways to improve things-these are awesome tips! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

AWESOME tips Natalia!!! I especially love that you pointed out "BIG PHOTOS". Nothing is worse when you're reading a blog and have to squint to look at the pictures! I hate that!! I also like that you wrote to post consistently. I'm bad about this. I seriously have issues blogging on weekends ;-) Have a great day!


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