Showing posts with label LA Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LA Story. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

Why Enchanted couldn't have been filmed in Hollywood

I am going to do my last piece in my LA Story before I head home to France.  I had high hopes at the beginning of the summer, but as we all know, life kicks in and I didn't get around to a lot of it.

Thankfully, my dad happens to work off third street, you know, where all the shows are filmed, CBS studios.  {he is a Captain on the LA City Fire Department}  Tae loves it when we visit, little boys and fire trucks go hand in hand.  And I am sure my dad doesn't mind either, feeling like a super hero and all.  So we loaded up Tae, his friend and Eli and headed out. 
Eli and the crazies
The funny thing about Hollywood is Hollywood Blvd.  For some reason people think it is perfectly appropriate to dress in an old (and I mean raggedy-old) Halloween costume and walk up and down the street.  It's like, 'dude, Spiderman, your suit is falling apart!'  This is the first year I have seen a transformer. 
And this is exactly the reason the movie Enchanted with Amy Adams couldn't have been based in Hollywood.  Because when she came out of the sewer, people would have just thought "oh Cinderella's here!" and moved on with whatever they were doing.  Or tried to take a picture with her.
I'm pretty sure that Jack Sparrow is hitting on that girl.  I guess she could say she went out with a pirate...
We drove by Kat von D's tatoo parlor.   I am not sure I really like her.  Seems like she stole Jesse from Sandra.  
Grauman's with the stars footprints out in front. Hollywood Blvd is a must see for tourists and locals alike.  I actually used to shop down there.  You know, before kids and all.
PINK'S!  I love Pink's.  It is just a hotdog stand but for some reason, there is always a line around the corner.  Maybe because of the sheer awesomeness that is the chili cheese fries, or the amount of toppings you can get on your dog.  But DO NOT order chili cheese fries and a chili cheese dog together, for the same sitting.  How do I know?  Just trust me on this one...
We then mozied over to the Farmer's market.  It is at the Grove.  Beautiful day so we walked around a bit.  The shops are a bit out of my price range, but window shopping works.  If you are in Cali and looking for movie stars, this is a fun place to go and a good chance you'll see one. {I sound like I am talking about animals... haha}
Here are some pics from the drive home.  There were ruby slippers hanging over the telephone wire.  I am realizing now that ruby slippers wouldn't have belonged to goldie locks, they would belong to Dorothy.  But I am too lazy to change it.
Successful trip, I would say.  Two sleepie heads and one screamer.  Wait.... no we have a binkie.  All is well in the world.

Monday, September 5, 2011

LA Story ~ City Walk

At the beginning of summer I had this super awesome idea that I would go to all the great places in LA and post them up there.  I mean, LA is kinda a cool place.  There is so much to see.  But with the reality that is life we didn't make it out to too many places.  But a few weeks ago our friends were out here visiting from Washington and they were heading out there so I decided that the boys and I would join the fun!  (Daddy was working, boo)

Here are some pictures from the night and a look at Universal City Walk for those of you who have never been.  It is quite a fun place too, even with the kiddos. 
As you walk in there is this great Brazilian spot and they have these dancers come out and dance for a bit.  It was awesome.  They are so talented.  I would love to learn to dance like that!! Just move to the music so perfectly. 
As we were walking the strip, there were a few street performers.  It is always fun to stop and watch, specially with the kids.  We watched a dancer for a bit then we came to this guy.  He was kinda funny, but you know, a little over the kids' heads.  Tae got to help out a bit.  I felt a bit bad because if you know my 4-year-old you know he most certainly does not look like a 4-year-old.  So the guy is talking to him like he should know things that he doesn't.  I just shouldn't let him volunteer for things like this...  But Joclin and I (the other guy in the picture) got to be the helpers.  Cute backpack Joc.
Then we came to the water fountain.  And let me just tell you.  I am not the kinda mom who lets their kids run around in the water at City Walk wit no back up clothes.  I am too much of a control freak.  But when you are with people who know how to let go a little better than you do, you just let go.  I am glad that I can let my kiddos do something a little crazy every once in a while.  But this most certainly won't be a regular thing. 
You didn't know??  King Kong takes over City Walk!!!  Or is it Godzilla?  What is the difference anyway?
Good friends.  Joclin is from the Bahamas and Nikki is from Washington.  They basically have the same relationship as Lavar and I but a few years ahead of us.  And more kids.  But seriously, LOVE THEM.  We go way back.
And just some other pics of the strip.  It is a fun place to go if you are in Southern California.  Actually, now that I am sitting here thinking about it, Lavar and I went here for our first date 10 years ago.  Who knew we would go through what we went through and would be where we are??  Crazy, crazy road, but gosh darn it, I wouldn't do it with anyone else.  Love ya, man!  {miss you too...}

Monday, May 30, 2011

L.A. Story ~ Santa Monica

***All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard ***
Some of the famous streets heading down there. Sunset, Wilshire, The Getty Center, PCH Highway
 Yesterday I took a little trip down to the Santa Monica Pier.  Honestly, the weather could have been a little better, we almost blew away, but the sun was out and it was full of people! 

We have family from Colorado in town and I thought 'what a perfect way to add to my LA Story!  We'll take them somehwere!'  (always thinking for the blog!) We had originally planned to got o The Grove and visit the firestation where my dad works. But then my dad had to change stations and the kids wouldn't have enjoyed The Grove, not much to do with kids.   So the beach, perfect!
 Luckily, (maybe not for you guys) the weirdos weren't out today.  That is mostly Venice Beach, I can't wait to take you guys there!  Let's just say... interesting.  People are... how do I put this?  creative.  The Santa Monica Pier is a bit more family friendly.  The kids loved playing in the sand next to the pier. 
 Oh and who knew?  There is a trapeze school right there on the pier!  I guess if you are training to be a trapeze artist you need to be able to perform infront of people.  So, smart, I guess.
 My little man clearly enjoying himself.
For Memorial Day someone put all these crosses out in the sand and some coffins covered with an American Flag.  It was a cool way to explain to the little guys why we celebrate this holiday.
And what a better way to end the perfect day, ice cream on the pier.  Yes, please. 

"Here. Tae, let me help you with that."  *lick all around the edges*  "Mom!!  Give me my icecream!!!"

If you get a chance, I would love love love if you voted for me in Circle of Moms Top Expat Blogs.  I don't have a fighting chance, but I thought I would throw it out there anyway.  Thanks!

Monday, May 23, 2011

L.A. Story ~ Downtown

Well, I guess my strawberry pie recipe was a super offensive one.  I lost 2 followers yesterday.  Oh well, that isn't the entire reason why I write! Moving on!

I have decided that it would be fun to rediscover the beautiful city of L.A. and share it with all of you.  And yes, I do think it is beautiful!  Introducing my new feature,  L.A. Story!  I am going to take field trips to all the places I love in L.A. and document it by taking pictures!  I know, I know, such a sacrifice.  And it is all in the name of blogging!  You're welcome.

* Just a FYI ~ These features might not be weekly, they will be when I actually have time to go. So sorry! *

My first adventure was heading to downtown L.A. to the shopping district.  I love it here. Why, you might ask? Well because you can buy jewelry and fabric to your hearts content for cheaper prices than retail!!  And it is all bunched in the same area for your convenience.  Thank you, Los Angeles.  

So Friday my mom, sister-in-law, and I loaded up our kiddos and headed downtown.  We figured an adult for each kid, we will be okay.  We didn't really account for the fact that my youngest takes two adults, as evidenced by the picture below, but it worked out.  Here are some pics of the gang.
Did you check out his face? Priceless.  

We live about 30 to 45 minutes outside of LA.  For those of you who don't live in LA that might not seem so bad.  For those of you who do live here or have been here, you understand.  And traffic wasn't bad this last Friday.  Yes, these pictures are of traffic when it wasn't so bad. 
First, we found a bathroom.  I had a Starbucks before we left, whoops!  Then we hit up the jewelry store.  Love it!  And since I gave these blogging tips last Tuesday, I thought I would show you what we did with pictures. 
 And, of course, a little commentary.  Remember that cute headband my niece was wearing?  My sister-in-law bought about 9 yards for 3 dollars.  Yep.  Love it.  Oh and that wall?  That is just a section of the choices.
 Beautiful, isn't it?  What could I do with all of this??  Make an Indian wedding dress, maybe?
 The jewelry section.  Look at the choices!  This is me trying to tell my sister-in-law what I was thinking about for necklaces so she could help me organize.  She is an excellent organizer and I, well, I am not.  And this is my son probably saying 'I'm hungry!!' for the billionth time.
 Rows and rows!!
 All the chains to choose from. 
And then the fabric section of downtown.  There is just loads.  If you are ever here, go to Michael Levine.  That is this store and it is fantastic and has a ton of great stuff to choose from.  

Well that is it for the downtown shopping district of LA.  I got some fun stuff to create a necklace for a potential Etsy shop!!  Oh and I would love love love if any of your would give me some suggestions of what you might like to see in an Etsy jewelry shop.  You know, just throwing it out there.  No reason... :)

And I haven't forgotten about that giveaway!! Stay tuned, for sure.  Unless, of course, I keep moving backwards and go back under 200.  Then I guess you'll have to wait!  :)

What do you love about LA?  Any places you would like to see?  I will make a sacrifice and go see if for you!  I know, I am so nice! :)  Hope you are all having a great Monday!


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