Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kardashian style Chignon ~ Hair Tutorial

First and foremost, I would LOVE for you to take a minute and visit my friend Amy's Facebook page for her new shop Avery's Loft.  I know all you fellow creatives understand how it can be starting off and I would love it if some MNM readers (that's you guys!) could show her some love.  Go ahead, I'll wait...

Thank you!!  You guys are truly awesome!  You can enter her giveaway here to win a cute pair of boot cuffs for winter.  I can't wait to get my pair!  Make sure you leave a separate entry for each comment!

Now, I am not a big Kim K fan, she kinda pimps herself out too much for me, but she is stylish a lot of the time, and you can catch a cute hair-do in there every once in a while too.  I loved her chignon and I don't know who that is on the right.  Anyone know?

The video I have is kinda a cute video tutorial.  You can wear it to the lower side, like I did in the video, or you can wear it up high kinda Kim Kardashian-ish.  I have worn it both ways and love it.  Get this, the video is less than two minutes.  A hair tutorial in less than two minutes??  Yep!  I hope you enjoy!

It's my first time making a stop-motion video, so I know it isn't perfect. But the cute French song makes up for it, doesn't it?

Happy Monday!!

I will be linking this up to all my linky parties featured here!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jessica Alba Hair Tutorial

Good morning everyone and happy Monday!  I had a MAJOR mom fail last week.  Thursday I slept through the alarm and we totally missed school.  Then to top it off Friday, we got up a little late, but I thought we could still make it... nope.  Got there and the doors were locked.  {in France they lock the doors to the school when class starts}  Tae missed 2 days of school last week because of me.  I felt so bad, I am totally determined to be better this coming week.  

The sad part is that most likely, we're talking high percentage here, that won't be the last time Tae misses school on account of his mom.  Sorry dude, I just can't get my stuff together sometimes!!  

That has got to be frustrating for my husband.

Sweater: France store; Shorts: H&M; tights: Target; Necklace: Lisa Leonard Designs {win one here!}

Here is a fun tutorial though.  I know we have all seen Jessica Alba's beautiful braided do.  I have wanted to try it for some time and here it is!  I left out my bangs because I liked the way it looked on me, but they very easily could have been braided in.
Here is mine with the original.  No comment on the skin tones.  I've been in France too long.

And to top it off I made a little video for you.  I try super duper hard to keep my videos short.  This one is 7 minutes.  Not exactly quick but not so long either.  You can click through it to get the gist.  I hope you like it!

If you follow me on Facebook, I posted some hair pictures to see which was your favorite holiday hairstyle.  I might just do a tutorial for one!  I am surprised, Selna Gomez is beating Lauren Conrad!  

In case you missed it, Lisa Leonard Designs is giving away $50 to her gorgeous shop!!  You still have time to enter, so go check it out!!

Have a great day!
Linking up to as many Linky parties here as possible!  Go check em out, they're great!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

High Poofy Bun ~ Hair Tutorial

Hi everyone!!

Happy Wednesday!  I am actually a bit under the weather and all I want to do is lay in bed and watch all the Twilight movies.  What?  Don't judge.  The movie is out next week and I want to be certain I am up to speed.  Important stuff here.  {I am dragging my husband to Lyon to see it opening night in English 2 DAYS before it opens in America! yesssss!!}

As you might have guessed by now, I am somehow on a personal mission to stop wearing my hair in a boring ponytail or messy bun, although they do both come in handy at times. {you should see me today...}  I want to be creative with my hair.  This tutorial is a high bun with a poof that looks fantastic worn with a headband!  Your hair's still up, but not boring!  I did this video before moving to France and it was on Gina's blog over at Acute Designs.  I thought I would also share it with you.  Hope you like it!
I know the picture doesn't match the tutorial hair, but it is the same hairstyle just with two headbands.  Oh the options!!

If you are interested in more hair tutorials, you can dig through my hair archives here, I have a lot of fun with it and have quite a bit more coming!  You can also always check out my YouTube channel which has all my videos. {including our House Hunter's International 'audition' tape...}

Hope you are having a great day! A demain! (until tomorrow in French)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Half Up Holiday Hair

5 flights, 5 airplanes, 4 cities, 3 countries, 2 days spent in California (& 2 spent traveling) 1 lost bag and 1 tired lady.

I left Thursday morning from France, got into LA Thursday night, went straight to the salon where I got my new bangs! (love you Sue!)  Spent Friday with my mom shopping, hanging out, and doing hair tutorials.  Saturday we filmed all day, got to have lunch with my dad on Wilshire since he was working all weekend.  Shopped at a cute little fabric store and came home to have dinner with my mom, brother, sister-in-law and beautiful niece.  Woke up bright and early Sunday morning, met my parents for coffee at the airport, almost missed my flight and I was off.  Talk about a whirlwind weekend!!  But I loved it, these are the things in life that I will look back on and be glad I did.  

I have a hair tutorial for ya today!  My mom and I were able to bust out like 4 different ones, which was awesome.  I am trying to take into consideration the holidays when doing these hair tutorials, so you can have ideas for you dinner parties etc.  

This one is a simple half up or you can continue it and have it be a kinda twisted waterfall.  That sounds bad, like the waterfall is messed up or something.  Hopefully, after you see the pics and watch the video you'll see what I mean...

And what do you think of my new haircut?  Do I look 12 years old?

I love my stylist, too, she is fan-stinkin-tastic.  Here's the video, enjoy!

I hope your weekend was great.  I am linking this up to my linky parties here.  

Don't forget to enter The Sunshine Stitch giveaway!  $25 to her shop!!

Happy Tuesday!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rachel McAdams Double Braided Headband

As you're reading this, I am flying over the ocean back to California for the weekend.  Because I'm a balla like that.  Not really, but it makes me feel cool to say that.  I can't tell you just yet why I am going to Cali, unless you already know, then that's fine. If you don't, stay tuned, it's kinda fun!!
Today I have a tutorial that resembles Rachel McAdams double braided headband that you may or may not have seen floating around the internet.  It is super easy, but simple and beautiful, so I gave it a whirl!  Here is the inspiration:

And here is mine:

 I know this next picture is totally overexposed, but I thought it looked cool.  So you got to see it.  You're welcome.
 The red lips and makeup are from the e.l.f. makeup tutorial.  Love me some red lips now-a-days!  Also love this hairdo.
Mines kinda messy because I did it using the webcam as a mirror and let's just say, it's not the same.  Here is the video tutorial, I hope you like it!!

{Warning: country music ahead. Just in case you don't like it, push mute now!}

Go enter the Smokey Eye Kit Giveaway from yesterday!  It's super easy to enter, just follow here!  Winner announced Friday!  That's lots of !! I must be excited about it... haha

Now off to sleep in my comfy hotel bed.  It's so big, makes me miss my hubby for a sec.  Then I remember, alone time, and I'm good.
Happy Thursday!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 Days of Beauty ~ The Smokey Eye & Giveaway!

It seems like a very popular makeup request is the smokey eye.  Probably because it looks intimidating and hard to do.  Well, I want to prove to you that it actually isn't!  Anyone can do it.  Seriously, anyone.  So what do you think?  Do you want to learn how to do a smokey eye?
Here is the outfit I paired it with.  Now, take into consideration that this was on a Sunday and we didn't leave the house.  The boys were playing games and I took this unique opportunity to play dress up!  
I like the look with the belt tied around the scarf, but this scarf is a bit too long.  So I wrapped it around my neck. Voila!  Kinda Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen chic, huh?  I liked it. 

Cool or creepy?  I can't decide...
Pin It

Now holla if you want a video tutorial of these super smokey eyes with false lashes (ya, you guessed it, I only wish those babies were real)!!  Oh wait, I got one!  And guess what, I got a little something else for ya too!

Want to win a Smokey Eye set?  
Well, I want you to!  Just so you can try it.  One winner is going to win a Smokey eye kit, shadow stick with liner, eyelashes (all from e.l.f.) and Duo glue!!

 I know you can't wait!  Let's keep it simple.  Be a follower here and gimme a shout-out whether or not you would try this look.  And then share it in some way shape or form (just let me know how you did).  That's it!! I am gonna pick a winner Friday, Good Luck!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Half up Hair knot with Tutorial

And so it begins!  30 Days of Beauty here at Ma Nouvelle Mode.  
Isn't it a pretty little button?? Thanks to my wonderful mom, who made it for me!

Now onto the month of beauty.  I am starting off with an easy hair tutorial. So easy it is actually less than 5 minutes.  There's a video and everything.  This can be worn by medium to long length hair.
I also had to add an outfit in there.  As you might have noticed, I love my winter boots.  I think they go with everything and no one can tell me otherwise!  I also love this top I bought during a huge sale that France has one time a year.  It was cheap and cute and comfortable. Yes please!
Boots: Carlos Santana; Leggings: Target; Shirt/dress: French store; Bracelet: Tiffany's; Necklace: Target; Ring:  c/o NS Pottery
Wow, kinda a range there, huh?  Tiffany's bracelet and Target necklace?  Yep, that's how I roll.  And the Tiffany's bracelet is probably the most expensive piece of jewelry I own aside from my wedding ring.  So truth be told ~ Target is how I roll.
LOVING my beautiful NS Pottery ring
{I'm linking to one similar, mine's not available anymore. Cuz it's mine :)} 

So if you have a minute, watch the video and learn how to do this half up hair knot!  I also give some tips on how to get the curls.  I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for stopping by!  I have so much more in store for you, I hope to see you again soon!

I am going to be linking this to all my parties on my linky page!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Fashion & a Hair Tutorial!

It is most definitely beginning to look a lot like fall in France!  If you are new here and wondering why I live in France, check out my c'est moi page.  It'll get ya up to speed real quick!

The weather here has been fantastic.  It has been cool, but not too cold, a little rain but not too much.  No snow yet, just perfect.  Thank you fall in France, for being just what you're supposed to be!

Today was a nothing day.  We sat around the house, played games, ate {because that is what my boys do. Like} and relaxed.  I enjoyed it.  But even on days like these I try to get out of my jammies and create a cute outfit.  Actually it is sometimes easier on days like these, with no rush to be anywhere.
I'll start from the top. Headband ~ I think Charlotte Russe... Scarf ~ gift; Shirt ~ gift; Bracelets ~ Target; Shorts ~ H&M; tights ~ who knows; Leg warmers ~ made by me!; Boots ~ Carlos Santana
I am l.o.v.e. lovin' the boots socks I made today in like 5 minutes.  I have wanted some for a while, but then these were free and took no time at all.  Done and done.

I also did a little fall style hair do.  I liked it because it is classy and simple, nice enough for a night out or a day with the kids.  Super easy too.

And because I am super awesome like that, I made a quick little video.  It shows you can do this style in less than 10 minutes.  Um... Yes, please!!

Thanks for watching!! I hope it was helpful!

If you are stopping by from Casey, Illy, Danielle, or Jess's place then hello!! Nice to meet you!  I love meeting new people, so make sure you say hi!  You can peruse some hair tutorials, or some of my outfits.  You can also read about my life here in France!  Thanks for stopping by!

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode


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