Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


This is what I am doing tonight.

Twi-mom, Twi-hard, Twi-nerd, Team EDWARD.  Whatever you want to call me.  Tonight, I wearing those labels proudly.

I love you Edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *cue teenage girl scream*

{it comes out two days early here. YESSSS!!}

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Let's Laugh a little

My funny Pinterest finds...
{I hope that was offensive, I just thought it was funny.}

I am having a lack of inspiration today.  My schedule has been a bit off since coming back to the states. Man I wish I was more organized!  I just thought we could all use a laugh today.  What did ya think?

Follow Ma Nouvelle Mode

Monday, August 22, 2011

My kids crack me up...

They have to eat messy snacks outside.  For obvious reasons.  I mean, they are boys.  This is the faces I get when they want to come back inside...

As you can see from the messy door, they do this often.

What I love about summer.  I send them outside and say 'don't come back inside until dinner's ready!'

Not really.  But kinda.  But, like, nicely at least.

I love summer.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

29 Ways to Stay Creative

I have been in a funk.  I can't figure it out.  I have things in my head I would like to write about, but when I sit down, nothing comes out.  Nothing good, anyway.  So today is a little break.  Some cute pics and a cool video to help me get inspired.  Maybe help you too.

Tae doing his Jiu Jitsu moves on his brother

They are buddies.  It melts my heart.
And then there is this character...

I mean really? Are there words?

I saw this on my brother's blog and it is just what I needed today.  Check it out, it is kinda fun.



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