Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Marriage Advice

My husband and I are celebrating 4 looong, glorious years of marriage today.  And because 4 years of marriage is more than most Hollywood couples, I feel like I am qualified to give everyone marriage advice.  So here you go.  :)

1.) Wives, learn to cook.  Didn't your momma ever tell you the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach??  That's how I bagged my man! (seriously not. Could not cook when we first were married)

2.)  Be easy.  Now I know I am married to an islander, but just relax ladies!  Life will not always perfect and those fairytale-endings you read when you were younger aren't true!  Your prince may have come, but I am guessing he took longer to get here and has a little more junk in the trunk! (not to mention he probably doesn't have a castle!)

3.)  Keep things spicy.  I like to keep it real.  Few ideas for ya: surprise him by wearing his shirt when he comes home from work.  Read my post on how to pick him up from the airport.  Breakfast in bed.  Get a babysitter without telling him and let him come home to you wearing something... nice.  You get the idea.

4.) Just because he is quiet doesn't mean there is something wrong.

5.)  Sometimes it is okay for you to be quiet.  Even if the only person you have talked to all day is a 4-year-old who repeated the same questions 50 times. 

6.)  Be respectful.  Men dig respect.  And I don't mean like bow every time he walks in, but respect his choices in the house. 

7.) LAUGH!  At yourself, at him, at your kids.  Keep things light, it helps keep fights to a minimum.

8.) Most importantly (for me at least) look to yourself first.  It isn't always easy, but before blaming and getting angry at him, try to see what you might have done and try to work on yourself.  After all, you can only control your own actions!

Well, that's all I got.  Maybe in another 4 years I will have 8 more things to tell you!  Love your man, ladies!

Var, I know it isn't always easy, and I might drive you crazy sometimes, but thank you for sticking with it and always trying to be better.  Here's to another 4 looong years.  Love you!


  1. Great advice! You can tell you're still in the 5 year or less category cuz you still wanna spice it up...I wanna hire a babysitter so we can nap! :)
    Happy anniversary!!!

  2. Such great advice! I would add, when it gets tough, remember it is going to get better and once you have worked through something new together, you will be stronger. more united. oh wait. I am not as qualified to give the advice. haha. Congrats on the four years, that is really something!

  3. Congrats on 4 years, that is awesome :) And pretty real and good advice. I like!

  4. Congrats girl! All eight are so true!!!

  5. Congratulations! 4 years really is a long time compared to marriages nowadays. I relate to number #5. I spend the whole day with a 1-year-old, so when he gets home, all I want is to have an adult to talk to! I keep reminding myself that we all need some QUIET time :)

  6. Happy 4 year anniversary lady!
    I love your words of wisdom and agree with every single one. <3 Hope you got a sitter for tonight ;-)

  7. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary. All of your advice is sound. I think you'll both be happy forever if you just keep remembering all of it.

  8. yay marriage!! 7 more months to go for me :)

  9. #2 and #8 ... yes! the rest are great advice, but i love those two the best. whether be in marriage or any relationship, i think looking at yourself first is always a good idea. also, putting yourself first - because you can't serve or love others if you don't know how to love yourself. awesome post.

  10. Good Advice and Yay on 4 years! We will celebrate our 18th anniversary in August!

  11. Great advice. It's all very true. I wish I had heard some of this about 8 years ago! hehe... My husband and I had to learn most of this through trial and error. ESPECIALLY the cooking part. ;0)
    Thanks for all the comments on my blog. NOT stalker-ish at all! I post tons of comments on blogs all the time. It just means you like me, right? :0) I'm gonna go with that.
    Second thing, thanks for the header help! I have it figured out, finally!

  12. These are good tips- and congratulations on your anniversary! My favorite one (or least favorite, depending on how you look at it haha) is the "look to yourself." It's very true, but dang don't we always want to blame someone else?

  13. i love it! great advice! ...some of these things i need to work on :P

    congratulations on four years! it's almost been two for me and sean... i can't imagine how long it feeeeeels like you've been together... haha because if you're like me... i'm sure it feels longer than four :)

  14. Happy anniversary! Wishing you many more years of happiness. Love your hubs' middle name - reminds me of someone awesome.


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